
03 April 2012

Good ol' Zogwort

He doesn't see much action, but he's a model that I had to paint up.  What basically has started off as a GW finecast wierdboy (which had the misfortune of a horrible casting, so there were bubbles, missing detail, etc.- but GW customer service was excellent and sent me a replacement wierdboy and let me keep the miscast).  So, with there not being an official model for Zogwort, I got to try my hand at some green stuff work and some minor tweaks to the original model.

I was able to complete Zogwort and get him ready to go.  Overall I'm pleased with the mini, obviously in hindsight there are things I would have done differently, but on a whole, I think it looks pretty good and I feel that it captures what he's all about.  enjoy.

Here's the completed Zogwort.  ta-da!

Here he is, not really much to him other than getting rid of the grot crew, drilling out his eyes, and filling in some gaps with GW liquid green stuff which was interesting to work with to be sure. The snakes of course are green stuff.  I really wanted to capture his nest of vipers.  All of the snakes will be different colors and patterns.  Because of the complexity of the model, he'll be the first one to not have a checkerboard on him- that will be remedied by painting a checkerboard around his base (checkerboards are the central theme to my d'orks).  I'll update this when he's done.

Of course you can't run ol' Zogwort without a squig.  I got this fantasy squig while on travels and it's an older edition squig, but I really thought it captured what a transformed foe would look like.  It was a lot of fun to paint.

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