
24 October 2011

the rebirth of cool, the rebirth of chaos.

I ventured a peek into my carrying case (say, have you seen my carrying case?  it's pretty sweet.) full of angry chaos and I got a little disappointed.  Why?  well, as my painting skills have gotten better, I felt dissatisfied with the current paint job on my first army.  So, I kept the very first CSM that I painted for the sake of posterity... and banished the rest of them to the depths of simple green.  Here's a shot of how they looked, and it's not to say that the paint job was bad, but there were glaring issues with my techniques;

1. Slopped on gesso (great non-aerosol primer) obscuring detail - I will never use black primer again.  While I know that some like the ability to not having to paint every nook and crevice, to build up from black is just too much pain in my opinion.. but I digress...

2. Improperly thinned paints - in a rush to get done, and also not taking advantage of GW (or any paint manufacturer for that matter) foundation paint.

3. OVERLY ZEALOUS sealant coverage.  what's better than a gloss coat followed by a dullcote?  LOTS OF BOTH APPLIED LIBERALLY (and by liberally, I mean that manner of spraying where slow and steady approximately 3 inches away from the miniature - liberal application).

Not that I am ashamed of it, I now know that I can do better work (or at least I think so anyways). I'm excited to apply my ever expanding skills to them and get them the glory that they richly deserve.  Here's a WIP of the new style:

Here's one of the chaos lord:

Last but not least, here's WIP of my 1000 sons:

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